About Me
PhD, MS, BS Mathematics
Research Area
Mathematical Logic
Monadic Intuitionistic and Modal Logics Admitting Provability Interpretations
The details of my life are quite inconsequential.
After graduating in May 2019 with a PhD in Mathematics and spending time teaching undergraduates, I'm ready to apply my zest for logic and organization to the world of software development.
I'm an autodidact with a hunger for knowledge — learning HTML & CSS, Sass, JavaScript, Python, and MySQL via self-study, and currently learning multiple things, including Docker, Django, and React.
I enjoy writing readable, reusable code and designing beautiful, useful, and responsive things. From the front to the back, I'm here for the full stack.
My newest passion lies in the realm of data science and machine learning. I've immersed myself in the various Python machine learning libraries (SciKit, Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, PyTorch) and have put my skills to use in some pretty neat projects, including a neural network that generates conspiracy theories.
When I'm not being a mathemagician, I enjoy yoga, hanging out with my husband and three dogs, and solving Rubiks Cubes of various sizes.
Stop by my GitHub to check out the code for this site and other projects.
Used on this site
css 3
html 5
Other stuff I work with
visual studio code
Conspiracy Theory Generator
A web app for generating conspiracy theories from seed text. Built on Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) with pre-trained GloVe word embedding trained on text data scraped from Wikipedia pages on conspiracy theories in the United States. Deployed via Heroku.
- Python
- PyTorch
- Flask
Analyzing horror movie deaths by race and gender
An analysis of horror movie character deaths by race/gender using data scraped from various websites. Data visualizations as well as attempts to use various machine learning algorithms to predict whether or not a character dies are included.
- Python
- Jupyter
- Beautiful Soup
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn
- Plotly/Cufflinks
Exploratory Data Analysis of large PDF File
Exploratory data analysis of large PDF file including word frequency analysis and term frequency-inverse document frequecny (TF-IDF) analysis with wordcloud visualations, Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic analysis, and summarization. Analysis completed on entire document as well as individual chapters.
- Python
- Jupyter
- Scikit-learn
- Tika
- Gensim